Scottish Parliament, Thursday 19th April at 1230

The Scottish Government has been vocal in its criticism of large-scale biomass power stations, and last year called on the UK Government to scale down its ambition for biomass expansion. 

But despite this rhetoric, Scottish Government has recently published draft proposals for biomass subsidies that would see companies like Forth Energy earn windfalls of over £170millions every year for  biomass power stations at Dundee, Rosyth, and Grangemouth – and maybe Leith, again, if they come back with another proposal in future. Ayrshire Power, which proposes a coal, and biomass power station at Hunterston in Ayrshire, would gain over £91milion a year from public subsidies, for co-firing biomass with coal, if their project is approved.

Please come along to support this demo, if you can. An hour spent NOW on persuading MSPs not to vote through subsidies for industrial biomass could save us all years of protesting against individual horrors like the proposed Leith biomass plant, in future.

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