Your Community Council

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 27 November, at 7 pm in the Shore Room, Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate  All interested local people are very welcome.

Minutes October 2017 (draft until adopted)   Agenda November 2017

Also  – did you know you can go and talk to one of your local Councillors, if you have a private matter you need to discuss (just turn up, no need to ‘book’):

  • Councillor Chas. Booth (Scottish Green) Termtime Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30 Leith Library , Ferry Road.
  • Councillor Adam McVey (SNP) 3rd Wednesday of month, 6pm Leith Library, Ferry Road.
  • Councillor Gordon Munro (Scottish Labour) 1st & 3rd Mondays of month 6:30 – 7:15 Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate

Setting the Council Budget 2018/19

Setting the Council budget 2018/19

City of Edinburgh Council is planning the budget for 2018/19 and is once again looking for your feedback.

The changes faced, just like other cities, continue:

  • our population is changing and growing
  • demand for our services, such as for schools and health and social care, is increasing all the time
  • Council income has not kept up with rising demand.

In 2017/18 the Council invested over £900m on services for residents, businesses and visitors. It focussed on the things you said are important like education, care for older people, culture and services for vulnerable children and adults.

The Council has saved around £240m since 2012/13 and continues trying to work more efficiently and to prioritise services.  Even with this, it is estimated that it needs to save at least £21m by 2019, over £100m by 2021 and £150m by 2023

Tell the Council what you think

Please give the Council your views on its budget proposals at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/playyourpart. You can also register to come along to Question Time on Monday 27 November, where you can put a question to a panel of senior councillors.

Seafield Consultation

Last week we attended a meeting with the consultants, amec foster wheeler and Cranfield University who had been appointed to carry out the strategic odour review of Seafield Wastewater treatment works. The community now have until 12th January to make comments. LLCC will be meeting with Leith Links Residents Association and elected City councillors to formulate our response. Members of the public can also make their thoughts known directly to the consultants but the CC would welcome any comments to be included in our submission and these would be treated in confidence

The full draft report has over 100 pages but the consultants also prepared a summary which I’ve also attached. Seafield summary

The summary includes short, medium and long term recommendations which we will be commenting about after discussion with LLRA.

The Draft Report is available on the Scottish Water website, accessible here: www.scottishwater.co.uk/seafield

Comments should be submitted by e:mail to seafield-draft@cranfield.ac.uk no later than Friday, January 12, 2018.

Cavity Insulation Project – Leith

A letter has been issued to all private properties within the EH6 area and will be landing w/c 30/10/2017 with local residents within the EH6 area.

The City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Government’s Home Energy Scotland are providing free cavity wall insulation* for suitable homes in the Leith area. If the cavity wall insulation has degraded, it can be removed and replaced for free. If properties do not currently have cavity wall insulation, they can be assessed and if suitable, insulation can be installed. It typically costs around £475** to install this type of insulation.  This offer is also available to private and social residents*** and will contribute to improving the EPC ratings of properties.

We would encourage you to ensure that householders are made aware of this offer as there is limited funding which may not be available in the future.  You can also contact Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 in order to verify any information.

36 Newhaven Road
Edinburgh EH6 5PY


Your Community Council

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 30 October, at 7 pm in the Shore Room, Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate  All Welcome.

Did you know you can go and talk to one of your local Councillors, if you have a private matter you need to discuss (just turn up, no need to ‘book’):

  • Councillor Chas. Booth (Scottish Green) Termtime Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30 Leith Library , Ferry Road.
  • Councillor Adam McVey (SNP) 3rd Wednesday of month, 6pm Leith Library, Ferry Road.
  • Councillor Gordon Munro (Scottish Labour) 1st & 3rd Mondays of month 6:30 – 7:15 Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate

Agenda Monday 30 October 2017         Draft Minutes September 2017


On behalf of the community council I attended a meeting at Scottish Government with members of Leith Links Residents Association. The statement below was released by Ben MacPherson MSP as Chair of the stakeholders group.

We, the Seafield Stakeholders Group, welcome the Strategic Review into the operation, physical infrastructure and overall performance of the Seafield Waste Water Treatment Works, commissioned by the Scottish Government and being undertaken independently by Amec Foster Wheeler and Cranfield University.

“Today, Friday 29 September, we welcomed the opportunity to hear first-hand about the comprehensive investigative work being undertaken by consultants Amec Foster Wheeler and Cranfield University into odour-related issues at Seafield and the surrounding network, including consultation with a large number of individuals and residents from the local community. The Group also welcomes the approach that the independent consultants are engaged in and acknowledges that a thorough investigation is being undertaken.

“We were able to question and comment on the methodology and process of the Strategic Review, to ensure it is robust and appropriate, and look forward to analysing the independent report when it is due to be published on 27 October.

“The Stakeholder Group also looks forward to working collaboratively upon the findings of the Review, to address and prevent odour nuisances emanating from the Seafield Waste Water Treatment Works.”


Jim Scanlon

September Dates

Your Community Council

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday 25 September, at 7 pm in the Shore Room, Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate  All Welcome.

Did you know you can go and talk to one of your local Councillors, if you have a private matter you need to discuss (just turn up, no need to ‘book’):

  • Councillor Chas. Booth (Scottish Green) Termtime Tuesdays 5:30 – 6:30 Leith Library , Ferry Road.
  • Councillor Adam Mcvey (SNP) 3rd Wednesday of month, 6pm Leith Library, Ferry Road.
  • Councillor Gordon Munro (Scottish Labour) 1st & 3rd Mondays of month 6:30 – 7:15 Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate

What is happening around our area in September?

  • Saturday 16th September (and every Saturday) – Leith Farmers Market, Dock Place, 10am-5pm
  • Saturday 16th SeptemberLasting Change Workshop: explore the power of grassroots political engagement in Scotland, with Andy Wightman, Nick Wilding and others, 11am-1pm, Out of the Blue Drill Hall, Dalmeny Street
  • Sunday 17th September Leithers Don’t Litter litterpick, meet at Marine Esplanade, Seafield. 1:30/2pm – 5pm
  • Saturday & Sunday 23/24 SeptemberDoors Open Day across Edinburgh. Lots of fascinating buildings you can have a nosey into, including here in Leith: Leith Theatre, Customs House, Trinity House, South Leith Parish Church, for starters.
  • Saturday 30 SeptemberLeith Community Croft Harvest Festival, 12:00 – 16:00, Community Croft Johns Place, Leith Links

October / November

eh6 Festival, 21/22 October – The Biscuit Factory and all across Leith Details and tickets

Leith Community Cinema is planning several events:

  • Community Cinema Conference Saturday 14 October
  • Film showing: Sing, Friday 3 November
  • Film showing: Viceroy’s House, Saturday 4 November



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