Community Council election 2019: A message from Jim Scanlon, Chair of Leith Links Community Council
Nominations to become an elected member of Leith Links Community Council are currently being accepted until 30 September 2019.
My name is Jim Scanlon, I have had the pleasure to Chair Leith Links Community Council for over 10 years and have lived and worked in Leith for over 30.
I respect the area and the people who try to make things better. Being part of a Community Council has given me a greater understanding of the problems of others and has given me the opportunity to try to make things better working together with the other Leith Community Councils, City of Edinburgh Council officials and elected politicians of all parties.
Leith Links Community Council were the only elected group when the last elections took place. We have a fantastic group of individuals who like me give up our free time to help the community. If you have an interest in a wide range of local issues and can commit to giving up free time for your community please think about standing as a community councillor. Please contact me through if you want a chat.