Leith Links Bowling Green Area – Community Consultation
As you will probably be aware if you use the Leith Links Park, the bowling green area and the building itself, most recently referred to as the ‘Dry Dock’, are in a sorry state of disrepair. The community council has been monitoring the situation and we are keen to see the building being renovated and used as an asset for the community along with its surroundings. A report from the Parks and Recreation Dept is being submitted to a meeting of the City of Edinburgh Council in May.
We feel that time is of the essenceĀ and that community engagement and consultation is paramount. With this in mind, we have scheduled a meeting via Zoom at 7p.m. on Monday 19th April to give all interested groups and individuals the opportunity to put forward their views on how this space should be best used.
Invitation will be via the Eventbrite ticketing system, please click here to register to receive the Zoom link. We hope to see as many residents of Leith Links taking part as possible.
David Igoe
Parks and Green Spaces Sub-Committee