ParkLife Project Seeking Community Volunteers (Leith Links)

You’ll recall that earlier this year we brought you news of the Edinburgh ParkLife project, which is seeking to use data & information to improve Leith Links (and three other parks elsewhere in the City).
They are moving forward with their project and require the assistance of some volunteers to help them.
The ParkLife user research team invites you to be a ‘park blitz’ volunteer. With your help, we will conduct short face-to-face surveys with park users about their experiences in four parks across Edinburgh. ‘Blitzes’ will last for two hours in one park, and volunteers can opt to participate in more than one blitz. We havefurther opportunities to volunteer at two park community events, for two or four hours per event. You will receive a short trainingsession on the survey questionnaire on 7 May at 2pm (if unavailable then, please let us know).
User research is part of the larger ParkLife project, which experiments with new techniques for gathering and analysing park data. For more information go here.
We will provide a packed lunch and refreshments.
Please indicate your availability in the doodle poll below:
The ParkLife user research team is excited to meet all of you!
Morgan & Michaela and