Annual Report 2020 / 2021
Once again we present to our community our Annual Report
With last year’s Annual General Meeting being delayed due to the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, our Annual Report this year covers the slightly shorter than usual period from Autumn 2020 to Summer 2021.
Throughout the last year we have kept you all updated with our work by posting information on our website & social media channels, as well as through our monthly public meetings but this Annual Report is an opportunity bring together some of those updates into one easy to access space.
Our Community Council continues to work hard for our local community and we welcome the opportunity to meet with and hear from as many people as possible. Please do come along to one of our meetings, virtual or in person, over the next year as we are here to represent the views of everyone in our community, not just the those who shout the loudest or come to the most meetings.
In this years annual report we have included reports on…
- Chair & Secretary’s report
- Travel & Mobility
- Collaboration with other Community Councils
- Our changing membership
- Leith Chooses
- Planning
- Licensing
- Leith Links Plus
- Engagement Officer’s report
We’re sharing our annual report on our website, social media channels and in our quarterly e-newsletter but please do feel share our annual report with your friends, colleague and neighbours if you feel they would be interested.
2021, Annual Report, Community Council Annual, July, Leith Links Community Council