Urgent – we need YOUR views on Seafield smell plans – and we need them NOW!
As the joys of Christmas recede and while those of Hogmanay are still to come – let’s all think about sewage! And odour nuisance from Seafield.
Last month, consultants commissioned by Scottish Government published their draft review of Seafield Wastewater treatment works. The full draft report is 100+ pages but there is a readable summary, with short, medium and long term recommendations.
Click here to read: Seafield summary
(The full Draft Report is available on the Scottish Water website, accessible here: www.scottishwater.co.uk/seafield)
Leith Links Community Council, in partnership with Leith Links Residents Association, is preparing to submit a Community Response to this draft report. This is a major opportunity for the local community, who have been suffering from these dreadful smells for years, to have a say directly into shaping the future policies and actions of government and city council.
Leith Links Community Council would greatly welcome YOUR views and comments on the draft review and its recommendations. You can use the Comments form on this website, or drop us an email (Feedback), or comment via the LLCC Facebook Page or Twitter (@LeithLinks_CC), and we will incorporate your views into the Community Response (anonymous unless you specifically ask to be named).
Time is very short!
Indirect comments, via LLCC, should reach us if possible by Monday 8th January, 2018.
Members of the public can make their thoughts known directly to the consultants by e:mail to seafield-draft@cranfield.ac.uk Direct comments to the consultants should be submitted by Friday, January 12, 2018.
Thank you!
Hi there
I live locally and have complained many times about the site odour. I’m pleased the issue is being taken seriously at last and am very keen that the tanks on site, should it be retained, be covered to eliminate as much of the odour as possible…something that is long overdue.
Best regards
Lindsay Grant
56 Pirniefield Place
Sent from BlueMail
Thank you – comment acknowledged
My partner and I moved to the new housing development in Seafield Street in June 2016. Having lived in Edinburgh most of my life I was aware of historic issues in this area with the sewage works. Overall I have to say I’ve been suprised how little odour is noticeable on a day to day basis although there was certainly a peak in early Spring/Summer 2017.
I am realistic when it comes to perfect solutions to this problem, but I’m pleased that the report does seem to be taking the matter seriously and offering potential improvements.
The main thing I would like to see is a central hub site for complaints where residents can see that there concerns have been reported and can monitor responses etc.
With more homes being built all the time in the Seafield area hopefully additional resident pressure will keep things moving in the right direction.
Thanks to everyone for the work they are doing on this issue.
Simon Urquhart,
Seafield Street,