Leith Links Community Council

Nominations for the interim election of community councillors closed on 30th March and I’m happy to  tell you that we now have a community council for Leith Links again. Thank you to Linda Hutton, Adrian Graham, Phil Attridge and Michael Traill for coming forward to help us. We will all work together to try to make things better in your area.

Alcohol Focus Scotland toolkit

Alcohol Focus Scotland recently developed a new toolkit to help people raise concerns about the impact of alcohol in their local community.

‘Alcohol licensing in your community: how you can get involved’ outlines action that people can take about problems alcohol is causing in their local area. It also explains how the licensing process works in Scotland and provides practical assistance for people who want to get involved but aren’t sure where to start.

To make it easier for people to get in touch with people who may be able to help them, Alcohol Focus Scotland has also produced a list of contact details for the licensing board, local licensing forum and licensing standards officers in each local area.

An interactive version of the toolkit and the contact list can be found on Alcohol Focus Scotland’s website here. We have also attached a print version of the toolkit. While these documents are in colour, these are designed also to print in black and white.
We hope this toolkit will empower people to play a more active role in their local community, particularly in helping them to speak up about issues that concern them. Given the important role licensing forums have in enabling communities to engage on local licensing issues, we would welcome any support you can offer in making this information available to communities in your area, for example by placing the toolkit on the forum’s website, encouraging your membership to distribute the toolkit through their channels, and encouraging your local licensing board to place it on their website or to signpost to the toolkit on the Alcohol Focus Scotland website.
The toolkit is designed to be used across Scotland, and therefore cannot address the individual practices of local licensing boards. We would encourage local licensing boards and forums who have not already done so to consider whether provision of local information about licensing board procedures and processes would be a useful supplement to this national resource.
It also should be noted that the toolkit does not reflect the upcoming changes to licensing law being introduced by the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015. We will therefore be updating the toolkit in a few months’ time once these changes come into effect. There will be an opportunity at that time to make other changes to the toolkit and we would therefore welcome any feedback you have about the ways in which the toolkit could be improved.

AFS Licensing Brochure FINAL Print (002)

Leith Community Cinema – Bride and Prejudice

Please find enclosed details of Leith Community Cinema’s latest film showing.

 Bride and Prejudice will be on Friday 18th March at 7pm.

 Suggested entry is £3 although we accept donations as people feel able.

 On the night there will be food from Punjabi Junction (cost £2 per head) along with craft beer tasting and Indian dancing

 Tickets can be reserved at www.leithcommunitycinema.com

Bride Bollywood flyer v3

Leith Links Community Council

Leith Links Community Council membership numbers have recently fallen below the level required to operate as a community council. Arrangements are being made for an interim election to take place and further information on this and how you can become a member of the community council will be made available in the near future. 

 Unfotunately due to resignations, changes of address and failure of elected community councillors to attend meetings we only have 5 elected members left which is below the required number to be called a community council. We need a minimum of 6 to function and a maximum of 12 based on geographical area. People who know me and follow us by email, webpage or more recently Facebook will know how committed we are to the community. Interim elections will begin on 7th March until 30th March and publicity during this period will be handled by the City Council but I will also keep anyone interested updated.

Best wishes


To much Alcohol in Leith?

Alcohol in Leith

In 2014, local people said that alcohol was a factor in some of the issues which needed to be prioritised.  Those views are supported by statistical information which tells us that alcohol impacts on the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership area in a number of ways.  

 The City of Edinburgh’s Licensing Board regularly produce a statement on how they will carry out licensing in the city and the Partnership is asked to say how it would like this done in Leith.  The Partnership would like to be sure that what it says is the correct view of local people.  So it would like to know more about local people’s experience and views on alcohol. 

 Please help by taking a few minutes to answer the questions in this online survey.

 Results of the survey will be presented at the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership meeting at 6.30 pm on 24 May 2016 at Lorne Primary School (venue to be confirmed).  Next steps will be discussed at that meeting.

 Young Leithers wanted to Research Alcohol and Social Media in Leith

 Following up from the consultation on alcohol in Leith.   Young Leithers are being asked to take part in an 8 week programme to look into the following:

  • The role and impact of advertising, in particular social media.
  • How and why the industry targets young people through social media.

 Findings will be used to inform the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership’s submission to the Licensing Board for the next Licensing Policy Statement.  Support and guidance will be provided by Alcohol Focus Scotland. 

This opportunity may be of particular interest to young people with an interest in citizenship, or looking for opportunities to add to their CV to help with job-search or college applications.

Meetings will take place at the Business Hub, McDonald Road Library on Friday afternoons from 2 September 2016.  (No meeting during school break)

For further information and to note interest contact Jane Wilson by telephone to 0141 572 6598 or e-mail jane.wilson@alcohol-focus-scotland.org.uk.

Water of Leith Path Clean Up Sunday 28th February 10.30am – 1pm.

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