Our meetings

Leith Links Community Council usually holds a full meeting in public once per month. These meetings are held on the last Monday of each month from 18:30. We hold in-person meetings in Duncan Place Community Hub but on alternate months (roughly) we hold the meeting online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

We usually hold our AGM in May or June of each year.

From time to time we hold special public meetings of the Community Council to discuss such things as large scale or important planning applications. These meetings are always advertised on our website & social media, and are open to the public to attend.

Sub Committees

Our Community Council maintains standing Sub Committees, which have the authority to progress our interest in their areas of work.

Our current sub committeesare:

Who can attend a meeting of the Community Council?

Anyone. The public are able to attend any of our public meetings.

How do people know when the meetings are?

On the front page of this website we display details of our planned meetings. And we also promote details of our meetings on our social media channels.

Where can I find the papers for each meeting?

We publish our meeting agenda & papers at least seven days before each meeting.

When we promote our meetings we will usually include a link to the agenda & past minutes as well as any other papers for each meeting.

Minutes for previous meetings can be found on this website on the ‘our library‘ page.