Big new building plans for Salamander Street – public consultation now open!
Today, 8th October, you can talk (online) to the developers of this new proposed development between 3 pm and 8 pm. After today, until the 29th October, you can view their exhibition online and post comments. The plans can be seen here. PLEASE click over, have a look and say what you think.
A large site has been earmarked for development stretching from Bath Street along the north side of Salamander Street. The tenement block where the Pond pub is/was) will remain but the rest of the site will be cleared along almost half the length of Salamander Street back towards Seafield.
The proposed redevelopment is for a “residential-led, mixed-use development” which would offer approximately 300 new residential apartments of which 25% will be affordable homes in line with council planning policy.
Currently owned by John G. Russell (Transport) Ltd., the site will be on sale to potential property developers, once planning permission has been applied for and granted. At the moment, things are at the Pre Application Notification stage (PAN) and now is the time to try and influence the designs.
Leith Links Community Council met recently with the agents and architects to hear more about the plans, and to ask questions and highlight (many) concerns. The local community now needs to have a look at these plans, and to express their views.
Think about the designs in terms of suitability for the site, massing and density, building height, green / open space (or lack of), light. Also think about the main toad alongside – air quality, noise, effects on local traffic, cycle path provision? And think about the local infrastructure – can it accommodate yet more hundreds of residents – public transport, roads, schools, GP surgeries etc.?
You can also comment below if you like and we will try to incorporate your views into the Community Council’s response to the PAN.
I would echo the above regarding GPs and transport/roads/safe cycling, along with concerns about:
Lack of wild spaces for nature and SEWAGE. Seafield is already stinking us out far too frequently – I dread to think with all the development happening around the city how it will cope (or not) with the additional…. pressure on the system.