Controlled Parking Zone (Zone N8), Leith & North Leith

Everyone is scrabbling for information about the new parking controls coming in.

At our LLCC and LH&N CC meeting a few weeks back, Council Officers Gavin Brown and Gavin Graham kindly attended and provided the Community Council and local residents with a range of information about the impending Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Leith is available via the links below*.

However, some of that information is already out of date. Here is the basic key information, updated as of 17 May 2023:


You can apply for a Residents Parking Permit from 5th June. You need to set up an ‘Account’ and a Password first, and your permit will be electronic, not ‘paper’. Start here:

When you apply, set your start date for the permit as 26 June 2023, to get best value.


The CPZ will actually go ‘live’ on 26th June 2023. That means parking charges will be enforced in all marked bays, whether for Residents’ Permit Holders Only or Pay and Park .

(The double yellow lines are already live, the moment they are painted, so you can get a ticket if you patrk there.)


The actual parking charges and the cost of permits has gone up since the presentation in March. You can find the correct current prices for residents permits here.

There are separate price schedules for business permits, visitors permits, etc. here

You can find the ‘Pay to Park’ prices here, although unfortunately the website has not been updated to include Leith (Zone 8), but we’re guessing it counts as a ‘Peripheral’ zone, therefore might be £3.40 per hour.

* For more background and some specific details, follow these links and have a read of the information provided at the March Question and Answer session:

  1. The presentation on the CPZ from Council officers.
  2. The questions that residents asked, and answers to each question,  from the Council officers.