Next Meeting of Leith Links Community Council, IN-PERSON, 27th February, 6:30pm at Duncan Place
The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be held on Monday 27 February 2023, at 6:30 pm.
Please note that this meeting will be LIVE and in-person, for the first time for a very long time. Hurrah! We will meet in Duncan Place, at No. 4 Duncan Place, beside the Links.
Agenda for 27 February 2023 is here. We are looking forward to a presentation from Jim Jarvie of the Friends of the Water of Leith Basin (FOWL.b)
Last month’s Minutes are here: Minutes of the Leith Links Community Council meeting 30 January 2023. Also the presentation by Scottish Water & Veolia re Seafield sewage plant.
As always, this meeting is open to interested members of the public. If you intend to come along in person, please email so that we have an idea of numbers, for room booking purposes. If you wish to try and join remotely, also please email to let us know, and we will send out a link nearer the time.
Please note however that we do not have proper ‘broadcasting’ facilities, so we will be depending on a ‘swivelling laptop’ and possibly poor quality audio. This attempt at a ‘hybrid’ meeting is still somewhat at the experimental stage. If anyone has special knowledge of running such meetings, or has any relevant trechnical equipment to lend for this purpose, we’d like to hear from you, please!
If you have any items you wish to raise in discussion, please email these in in advance if possible.