Changes to garden waste collections

Collections of garden waste will be changing for residents across Edinburgh from March.

Brown bins will now be collected by the City of Edinburgh Council once every three weeks all year round, instead of every two weeks in the summer and four weeks in the winter.

The change will result in more consistent collections throughout the year, and was agreed as part of last year’s Council budget in order to enable the service to continue running despite increasing financial pressures.

Click here for further information.


Don’t miss out on your chance to vote

Later this year there will be elections to the City of Edinburgh Council however, only those on the Register of Electors will be allowed a vote!

The City of Edinburgh Council has massive control & influence over life in Edinburgh from providing essential services such as education, refuse collections, to important cultural services such as supporting our tourist industry to ensuring that our city is a safe & clean place.

The elected body of Councillors provides the political leadership of the Council, with an extensive ‘civil service’ to carry out it’s functions.

It is important that as many people as possible get involved in electing the Councillors but people must be on the Register of Electors, and time is running out to be added!

To check you are on the Register of Electors please call 0131 344 2500.

To be added onto the Register of Electors please call 0131 344 2500 or visit

There is a deadline: Monday 17 April 2017.




Get ready for 20mph in Leith

The local community will have noticed that in many streets across the Leith Links, and indeed Leith area have seen the appearance of road markings and street signage relating to 20mph speed limits.

As can be seen from the map below, the new speed limit will go live in applicable streets on 28 February 2017.

For more information visit the special Facebook page by following this link or visit the Councils webpages by clicking here.

£60,000 youth work funding available

Are you interested in delivering open access youth work with young people aged 11 and over?

Communities and Families is opening a participatory budgeting grant programme to support such work in 2017-18. Applications will be assessed by a team of young people and Council officers before a voting process for young people. It will be the combination of these two processes that will determine who is awarded funding.  The total budget available is £60,000 with a minimum award level of £500 and the maximum award level of £10,000. The work should benefit young people in Edinburgh and can be locally based or citywide work.

Application packs will be available on the Edinburgh Compact website from 6th February and the closing date will be 3pm on 24th February.

Briefings for applicants will be held at Waverley Court on

  • Tuesday 7th February 2pm
  • Tuesday 7th February 5.30pm
  • Tuesday 14th February 5.30pm

Please book a place by contacting

Make sure you are on the Register of Electors

Later this year the people of Scotland will go to the polls to elect the Councillors who will form Scotlands 32 local authorities.


The Leith Links Community Council area is encompassed by two distinct City of Edinburgh Council Wards.  Leith Ward 13 for those on the Links side of the Restalrig Cycle Path, and Craigentinny / Duddingston Ward 14 for those on the other side.


However, regardless of which Ward you are in you must be on the Register of Electors to be able to vote, either in person, by post or by proxy.

To register to vote, or to check you are on the Register of Electors click here.

To find our more about elections in Edinburgh, visit the City of Edinburgh Councils web page by clicking here.

A city free from Islamophobia

Police Scotland, City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government have been working together to make £40,000 available in the City of Edinburgh for projects aimed at addressing Islamophobia.


34 projects are in the running to receive grants of up to £5000, with the people of Edinburgh deciding which projects get funding.


If you would like to take part in the decision making process, you can vote online here from today until 12noon on Monday 13 February 2017 or you can visit your nearest City of Edinburgh Council Library.

For more information, click here.


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