Decisions are being taken very soon on three very important issues facing Edinburgh, and Leith in particular. The outcomes will affect us all for many years to come. City of Edinburgh Council has opened these to consultation. Your view, as a citizen, a voter and a Council Tax payer, really does count. Please will every one of you take a few minutes to fill in the surveys (they are actually not very long or complicated) and send in your views.
(1) Massive cuts to Council services (otherwise known as ‘Budget Savings’)
The Council aims to cut £21 Million from the budget for 2018/19. Every single one of us will notice effects of these cuts, every day, in things like bin collection, parking charges, Edinburgh Leisure facilities, libraries, school transport, services to disabled people, and much more. This is your chance to speak out.
Read more information here: Budget Leaflet
Send in YOUR views: Council Budget survey
(2) Proposed new arrangements for Picardy Place
Picardy Place at the top of Leith Walk is a key junction connecting Leith to the rest of the city. As the new St. James Quarter is developed, there is an opportunity to improve Picardy Place. Do we want a vehicle dominated multi-lane gyratory, maybe a hotel in the middle, or can we keep our street sculpture, make space, plant trees and improve pedestrian, cyclist and public transport access, while also future-proofing for any extension to the tram? Are the Council taking local peoples views into account enough? Will they reach the right decisions? Many think not…..
Read more information here: Council proposals ; Broughton CounterProposal ; Other Views ; Dirty Work at the Crossroads?
Send in YOUR views: Picardy Place Survey
(3) Licensing Board (alcohol) policy
The Licensing Board (which is actually separate from the Council) is reviewing its policy. A lot of people believe that one reason for the relatively high rate of violence and crime in Leith is over-provision of alcohol in the area. A recent survey by the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership confirmed this position. This is a chance to revisit the issue.
Read more information here: alcoholLeith – revised Feb 2015
Send in YOUR views: Licensing Policy survey