Emergency Services Day in Leith

Emergency Services Day in Leith

Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Commercial Street

Saturday 10th September 2022

1100 – 1500 hours

Entry at Commercial Street ONLY


In partnership with Scottish Government, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Royal Military Police, HM Coast Guard, Water Rescue Unit, British Army, RNLI Lifeboats, Scottish Air Ambulance, British Red Cross, Mountain Rescue, RAF, Rapid Relief Team, Ambulance Service, City of Edinburgh Council, Places for People and third sector agencies such as Citadel, YMCA and The Ripple, we would love your attendance to show your support to all our services and celebrate all the amazing work each and every service provides to our communities.

Rapid Relief Team have many volunteers attending the event providing free hot food to every attendee.

This is a family day providing opportunities to speak with every service, whether it be for general advice, to discuss career opportunities or to have a look around the brilliant equipment which they use daily.

Third-sector youth providers are attending to offer fun activities for the younger members of our communities to take part in, such as sports and face-painting.

We look forward to seeing all of you there – and please share with your partners, friends and families. I have attached the poster for your offices.

Leith Links Community Council next meeting Monday 28th February 6:30 online

The next meeting of the Leith Links Community Council will be held on Monday 28th, February at 6:30pm, online (Microsoft Teams)

The Agenda for the next meeting and minutes of January’s meeting will be issued shortly

As always, our meetings are open to interested members of the public. If you wish to attend, please email contact@leithlinkscc.org.uk and you will be sent an invitation / link for the meeting.

Thank you for your support

Raising community concerns with Police Scotland

Did you know that you can raise community concerns with local Police Officers by email?

It is really important that any specific crimes are reported to Police Scotland by calling 101 (non emergency) or 999 (emergency). These telephone numbers are always monitored and allows your reports to be logged & assigned to officers.

But, community concerns can be emailed to local community Police Officers. The email address for the Leith & Leith Walk Wards is EdinburghCPTNorthEast@scotland.pnn.police.uk. Please be aware however that this email address is monitored by operational Police Officers amongst their other duties so it is not continuously monitored meaning you may have to wait a few days for it to be read & responded to.

You can also send a tweet to community Police Officers in North East Edinburgh@edinpolne.



Dangerous motorbike riding over Leith Links

Earlier this month we let you know that concerns were being raised about dangerous motorbike riding in the Leith Links area, you can view the original post here.

Sadly this evening two motorbikes were seen being rode through a packed Leith Links. One of the motorbike riders even doing a wheelie as they traversed the Links between park users at around 9pm this evening.

[evp_embed_video url="http://www.leithlinkscc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/img_8645.mov" autoplay="true"

Leith Links Community Council encourages members of our community to report any incidents to Police Scotland by calling 101 (non emergency) or 999 (emergency). You should do this whilst the incident is in progress, or as soon as possible afterwards. You should also report every incident to the Police. If possible please give the Police a description of the riders such as what they are wearing, what they look like, how old they appear to be, and any registration plates that can be seen.





Police witness appeal following a woman being assaulted on Restalrig Railway Path

Police Scotland have appealed for witnesses following a woman being assaulted by a male on the Restalrig Railway Path earlier this week.

The incident is understood to have occurred towards the Easter Road end of the path on Monday 18 May 2020 however, no timescale is provided.

Following door to door enquiries of nearby properties, Police have been displaying notices in the local community asking for those with any information to get in touch with them.

If you have any information please contact Police Scotland by calling 101, quoting reference numbers PS-20200518-2291 and / or CR/030948/20.

If you have information but are reluctant to liaise directly with Police Officers you may provide information via Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111.


Dangerous motorbike riding causing concern in Leith Links area

This week our Community Council has become aware of a growing number of incidents involving motorbikes being driven in a dangerous manner, which is causing concern for many people throughout our community.

We have received reports of people riding motorbikes along the Restalrig Cycle Path, on pavements in residential streets such as Seafield Street and generally driving dangerously in the Leith Links area.  It is concerning to note that they are often not wearing any helmets, are driving at excessive speeds and are ignoring road signs & traffic signals. It has also become clear from social media that there are similar at various places in Leith.

Leith Links Community Council encourages members of our community to report any incidents to Police Scotland by calling 101 (non emergency) or 999 (emergency). You should do this whilst the incident is in progress, or as soon as possible afterwards. You should also report every incident to the Police. If possible please give the Police a description of the riders such as what they are wearing, what they look like, how old they appear to be, and any registration plates that can be seen.

Hopefully, a vigilant community who reports incidents to the Police will allow the Police an opportunity to take any necessary action using the powers & resources available to them in order to address this serious safety concern.

Any crimes should be reported to the Police using 101 or 999 however, the local Community Policing Team also have an email address which can be used to raise any general issues with them. Please be aware this email address is not monitored 24/7 so there may be a significant delay in them reading, considering & responding to your email. the email address is – edinburghleithcpt@scotland.pnn.police.uk. If you are on Twitter you can also send them a Tweet – @edinpolne is their Twitter handle.



Police Scotland consultation: Your Police 2020-2021

Police Scotland are inviting members of our community to take part in an online survey entitled ‘your Police 2020-2021’.upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/89/Lo...

Anyone wishing to take part in the survey can do so until 31 March 2021.

The survey also includes a number of questions specifically relating to Police activity during the current Covid-19 National Health Emergency.

In their introductory statements Police Scotland say;

We recognise the importance of understanding the views and priorities of Scotland’s diverse communities. This is especially important during the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This survey is a platform for you to give us your views and opinions during these challenging times, and beyond.


The survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.


We have included some screenshots of questions from the survey to provide a flavour of the types of questions they are asking.


Coronavirus updates

As a Community Council we have taken the decision not to provide, or attempt to provide, rolling updates on the current Coronavirus situation.

As a group of volunteers we lack the time to be able to gather & share the numerous updates published each day by a variety of organisations. We are very keen to avoid circulating information that may be incomplete or no longer applicable.

Instead, we will provide very local updates as usual such as Leith Festival being postponed, or our meetings being cancelled.

But, for regular updates on the wider Coronavirus situation in our city or country we would direct you to the following sources of information, which are updated regularly;


You may also wish to view the following websites, although they do not have dedicated Coronarivus pages / sections, may provide useful information such as travel arrangements etc;



**Update as of 22:25 on 8/2/20 – Robert has been found.**

Police are appealing for assistance in tracing 83-year-old Robert Low who has been missing from Albert Street, Leith, since earlier this afternoon Saturday, 8 February 2020.Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

Robert is described as white, 5ft4 in height, of slim build and when last seen was wearing a blue checked jumper and tracksuit bottoms. No further details at this time.

Inspector Grant McCulloch, Craigmiller Police Station, is asking people to keep a look out for Mr Low. he said:

“We have officers carrying out a search of the area around Albert Street at the moment but would ask members of the public, especially taxi and bus drivers who may be in the area, to keep a look out for Robert.

“He doesn’t, as far as we know, have any money with nor a mobile phone with him. He may have gone into one of the local licensed premises so if you have seen him, then please contact Leith Police Station via 101 and quote reference number 2477 of 8 February, 2020”.

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