Emergency Services Day in Leith
Emergency Services Day in Leith
Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Commercial Street
Saturday 10th September 2022
1100 – 1500 hours
Entry at Commercial Street ONLY
In partnership with Scottish Government, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Royal Military Police, HM Coast Guard, Water Rescue Unit, British Army, RNLI Lifeboats, Scottish Air Ambulance, British Red Cross, Mountain Rescue, RAF, Rapid Relief Team, Ambulance Service, City of Edinburgh Council, Places for People and third sector agencies such as Citadel, YMCA and The Ripple, we would love your attendance to show your support to all our services and celebrate all the amazing work each and every service provides to our communities.
Rapid Relief Team have many volunteers attending the event providing free hot food to every attendee.
This is a family day providing opportunities to speak with every service, whether it be for general advice, to discuss career opportunities or to have a look around the brilliant equipment which they use daily.
Third-sector youth providers are attending to offer fun activities for the younger members of our communities to take part in, such as sports and face-painting.
We look forward to seeing all of you there – and please share with your partners, friends and families. I have attached the poster for your offices.