Tag: Leith area
Advance notice of fireworks displays
The events team at The Royal Yacht Britannia wish to alert local residents that there are two upcoming fireworks displays planned.
- Friday 10 February 2017 at 22:15 for around 4 minutes
- Friday 31 March 2017 at 22:15 for around 4 minutes
Seafield waste collection & transfer site
At the January 2017 meeting of Leith Links Community Council there was some discussion relating to the recent closure of Powderhall Waste Transfer Station and its impact upon our area. A waste transfer station is being established at Seafield Community Recycling Centre and there were some concerns about possible odour & traffic problems arising.
Councillor Adam McVey, Leith Ward and Vice – Convenor of the Transport & Environment Committee of City of Edinburgh Council agreed to put some information together for us to circulate amongst the community to make clear the situation.
Please do provide us with any feedback in the comments section below.
Powderhall waste transfer station was closed after discussions with SEPA, who issue the licence and monitor compliance, after a number of concerns regarding the operation and condition of the site were raised.
The closure is happening ahead of the new state of the art waste treatment plant at Millerhill coming on-stream.
Interim arrangements have been put in place to use a commercially run existing facility at Granton. The end destination of the City’s waste for processing will remain the same until the new site at Millerhill is up and running.
The Community Recycling site at Seafield is being developed to include a new collection depot and waste transfer station. When complete (around April 2018) about 1/3 of the City’s waste will be tipped at Seafield and then taken to Millerhill when the plant is operational. In the interim period of Seafield being operational but Millerhill not yet on-stream (as little as 6 months between both happening) waste will be taken to the existing destination of Dunbar.
Traffic movements have been taken into consideration. As part of the second phase of the changes at Seafield, a new access road to the Seafield Community Recycling Centre will be constructed to improve access for residents and allow for safer queuing areas during busy times.
There is a significant difference between Powderhall and the new uses being built at Seafield. Powerhall is a very old and unreliable waste disposal facility. The new Seafield depot is, first and foremost, intended as a waste collection depot where staff and vehicles will be based. The second phase of the project will be to build a waste transfer shed on site. This will allow the operational vehicles to deposit waste into a shed, for it then to be bulked and transferred to the end disposal facility. This will allow our bin lorries to spend less time travelling to tip and more time undertaking collections. The majority of the Council’s waste is deposited in Powderhall, where as only around 30% to 40% will be deposited at Seafield. The handling equipment at Powderhall is very complex and prone to mechanical problems where as Seafield will be operated with very simple equipment that is robust and easy to replace. The new Seafield facility will have to be constructed in line with guidance from SEPA and will require effective odour limiting controls meaning the impact on the surrounding area will be incomparable with Powerdhall.
Tim Taylor – Bending Saws
Architect and artist Tim Taylor has created a new site specific artwork at Custom Lane, which has been inspired by Edinburgh Tool Library.
The exhibition is free and runs until 12 February 2017.
Click here for more information.
Leith Sea Cadets open day | Saturday 4 February 2017
Leith Sea Cadets are recruiting! They will be opening their doors on Saturday 4 February 2017 between 10am and 2pm at Prince of Wales Dock, so if you are interested in learning more about the fantastic opportunities they offer please come along!
They will have boats rigged, knots to tie and ration packs to sample amongst other things!
All welcome
Remembering Leith Theatre, Thursday 16th February 2-4pm, Thomas Morton Hall
Do you remember Leith Theatre? A new memory project has been set up jointly delivered by Leith Theatre Trust and Citadel Arts Group. They’re collecting memories of Leith Theatre to create a display and to put into a book of memories. The project is supported by £eith Decides and the Robertson Trust.
The first meeting will be in the Thomas Morton Hall (behind Leith Library, 28 Ferry Road) on Thursday 16th Feb 2-4pm. Katharine Taylor of Leith Theatre Trust will make a short presentation and then we’ll start to share stories and memories of the theatre and the varied events held there. Refreshments will be served.
Please come along just to listen or share your own stories and memories. If you can’t make the meeting on 16th Feb but have stories to share, please let us know and we can arrange to meet you at another time and place if that’s easier for you.
All the best
Leith Festival needs you
Leith Festival is a successful annual festival which takes part in our community, it takes many people to make it happen, could you lend a hand?
Contact Leith Festival direct for more information;