What’s Happening around Leith Links this summer?

Here’s what we know about – please contact@leithlinkscc.org.uk if you know of any other events on or around the Links in the next couple of months, that local people might like to be aware of.

Public Toilets
The Links were supposed to be getting a permanent public toilet block this summer, but it has been delayed, apparently, for various reasons, and will not now be built until the autumn or later…watch this space….
HOWEVER, good news – the Links WILL be getting temporary public toilets, like the past few years. If you want to know when exactly these will be arriving we suggest that you all – like this Community Council – email your local Councillors to ask when / and can they please try to speed the process up, stressing the urgent need that you and your family and friends experience for toilets, now that the weather is improving and people are spending longer out of doors.
Cllr.katrina.faccenda@edinburgh.gov.uk; chas.booth@edinburgh.gov.uk; adam.mcvey@edinburgh.gov.uk


Duncan Place
All sorts of exciting events & activities take place at Duncan Place Community Hub, including sociable and undemanding ‘Seasonal Strolls’ around the Links, usually on Wednesday lunchtimes (But not every week- check with Duncan Place for schedule). Sign up here to receive their regular Newsletter, to keep abreast of what’s on.


Earth in Common (on the corner of the Links at the Queen Charlotte Street end of John’s Place) now offers a Cafe and Farm Shop (Food Hub).
Cafe open Tuesday -Friday 9-3pm and Saturday-Sunday 10-4pm for tea and coffee, homemade sweet treats and a simple vegetarian menu.
Farm Shop sells local produce like vegetables, eggs and milk


Leith Links Funfair
The traditional ‘shows’ will be on the Links this year as they are every year around Leith Festival time (over on the Duncan Place side) Sunday 2nd – Sunday 9th June


Leith Festival Gala Day
This traditional community event will be held on Saturday 8th June


Leith Festival 8th – 16th June
For news of the many exciting events held all around Leith during the Leith Festival, see www.leithfestival.com and look out for the printed paper programme which you will be able to pick up soon all over Leith (in cafes, pubs etc.)


World Orienteering Championships 2024 – 12 July
This one off event will be held on and around the Links on the morning of  Friday 12 July, with start & finish points on the small triangle on the west side of Leith Links at Duncan Place, beside Leith Primary School. For more information, see www.woc2024.org/woc-tour/

Organisers are keen for people to come along and spectate too. The WOC races earlier in the morning on Leith Links will be the most exciting for spectating and there will be a ‘Finals’ event culminating in Central Edinburgh the same afternoon.

Latest news is that there are also going to be ‘open’ races for spectators / the local community, on the main part of the Links, slightly later in the day, with entries open to anyone – the shortest courses are suitable for complete beginners!  These involve people running around, navigating to checkpoints marked with a stake, small flag and electronic timing box. Entries are at:



Remembering Lost Leithers

It’s always a shock when you hear about the death of a much loved Leither. 

This week has been particularly bad with the deaths of three people who contributed so much to our community.

The Queen of Leith, Mary Moriarty died last week and her funeral is on Tuesday 25th October. A service will be held in South Leith Parish Church at 12pm then on to Seafield Crematorium (limited spaces). You will then have the chance to raise a glass to Mary in The Dockers Club and share your memories with friends.

Mary was well known in Leith, not only as the owner of the famous Port of Leith pub where many a fun night was had, but also for her many years of hard work with Leith Festival helping it survive through good times and bad.

From my window I remember that on the day before the gala Mary would be out on the Links spraying and numbering the pitches for the gala day stalls.

She was always there at the crack of dawn on the Saturday and still there hours after the last stall had left with a litter picker and black bin bag making sure the park was cleaner than how she had found it.

I’m proud to say that I knew Mary for many years, and she will be sorely missed by many of us in the Leith community who will all have our fond memories of her. She could always make you smile even when you were feeling down.

I also lost another friend, Jim Tweedie recently who died over a week ago and his funeral is on Friday, 28 October, Warriston Crematorium at 2pm. 

Jim was a hard working member of the Leith Community and Chair of Leith Local History Society preserving our history and informing new residents about our rich past.

The society continue to meet on the third Tuesday in the month in the community centre and with a series of monthly talks.

Jim and I were also on the steering group to save Custom House for the people of Leith and with the help of local councillors, especially Councillor Gordon Munro the city council was persuaded to purchase the building using Common Good Funding. Work to establish a heritage display in the building is ongoing.

Finally, Davie Jeneil who ran a successful jewellers shop in Great Junction Street for over 30 years providing gifts for the many birthdays, weddings and celebrations of Leithers.

I also knew Davie as a great supporter of Leith Rules Golf Society. His family always put in a team for the Foulis Medal. A fun competition on the Links every year using hickory golf clubs which is open to local Leith businesses and community groups.

When Davie’s son in law turned up to play, I always thought we would be quicker just handing him the medal because he is such an excellent player.

Davie also supported the society by providing the quaichs and engravings for our other team events and again he will be sorely missed by all who knew him.

On behalf of Leith Links Community Council, I would like to extend our condolences and best wishes to the family and friends of all these great Leithers who we will all miss.

Jim Scanlon MBE


Leith Links Community Council

Leith Festival 2020 postponed

Leith Festival have this afternoon announced that Leith Festival 2020 will be postponed for the time being, due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  Image result for leith festival

In June, they will consider whether the festival can continue, in some form, in September.

Their statement makes a really important point, that as a community we need something to look forward to and something that will bring us together. We should keep this in mind through the dark days we are currently experiencing.

Their statement said;

As you can imagine, we’ve been giving Leith Festival Gala Day 2020 a lot of thought.
We wanted you all to receive an email ahead of us posting our decision round social media.
We recognised early on that we needed to call off Gala Day for June 2020, but have debated long and hard, and decided to leave the door open for holding an event in September 2020.
This may prove wildly unrealistic, but we will make a final decision in June, when we guess the picture will be a lot clearer for all of us. This could be a fairly simple event such as the Leith Tattoo or the Pageant (more likely), or some kind of Gala Day. Clearly a Gala Day looks implausible right now, it may be forbidden, or clearly not responsible – either to plan for it, or to hold it. 
But we feel we are all going to need things to look forward to, and things that will help bring us all back together, once this difficult, sad and worrying time is past.


Leith is my home: Banner making project by Leith Festival

Leith Festival Banner Project would like to invite us all to come and talk to us this Sunday (8 December 2019) between 12noon & 2pm in Leith Community Centre.No photo description available.

They are supporting the community to make a banner for the 2020 pageant.

They would like your ideas, creativity & skills to start to think about what the banner should look like and to hear from you what makes Leith home for you.




Leith Festivals ‘Christmas in Leith’ celebrations

Leith Festival invite our community to join them at the Foot of the Walk for the start of Leith Festival’s “Christmas in Leith” Celebrations. No photo description available.

Enjoy hearing the choir from St Mary’s (Leith) Primary school who will also lead the Community Christmas singalong and switching on of Leith’s Christmas Tree.

Leith Festival wish to thank to GAMECHANGER for their much appreciated support.


Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, night and outdoor



Leith Links Community Council responds to Leith Festival Funfair plan being considered by City of Edinburgh Council

Earlier this month we let you know that City of Edinburgh Council are considering an application to for a funfair to be brought to Leith Links in 2020 as part of Leith Festival.

We invited our community to submit to us their views, suggestions & questions on the application.

The event application has been considered by the Leith Links Community Council Sub Committee on Parks & Greenspaces, who have submitted the below response to the City of Edinburgh Council.  This application specific response is our addition to our standing policy on requests for events on Leith Links.

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to give the response of both Leith Links Community Council and the members of the public who responded to our asking for comments on our website.

Firstly, LLCC is happy for this event to proceed. The fair has been setting up on the Links during around the time of Leith Gala Day for a long time and their has never been a problem with that. Our only concern is around the short timescale initially given for consultation. As you will know, there are a lot more events that are being planned for the Links and we would ask yourselves to give us and the public sufficient time to respond to these.


David Igoe

Leith Links Community Council

Comments Received on the Leith Links Community Council Website

“Is this around the same time as the Chef Food Fair that you advised us of? The consultation is insulting to the intelligence of the interested parties. There is insufficient information given here about:

Where exactly on Leith Links the Funfair will be located.

How many rides and stalls it will consist of and what their nature will be.

Hours of operation.

Sound/music/noise nature and volume during operation.

Management of the site including rubbish and recycling.

Charges and revenue that will be generated and how that money will be used improve Leith Links

Making good any damage after the event.

Also I suggest all properties facing Leith Links are distributed with information about the proposal, they are the most likely to be affectedly noise etc and better effort should be made to inform and consult them

Unless better information is provided to consulates, no decision to approve this should be made

It should also be clearer what the Councils decision criteria are in these cases.”

“It’s a simple ‘no’ from me. For the last four years a resident I’ve had to put up with road closures, building works and noise. I’ve simply had enough.”

“The level of information provided is very poor and not enough to form any decision.

There is not enough information about numbers expected, how the crowds will be managed, how they will protect the grass etc, what their plans are to fix any damage, how they will manage any additional traffic etc. How will they manage the impact of music and noise on other park users, local residents and local businesses etc.”

“I am supportive of this application, provided that the event organisers minimise vehicle use on the Links (i.e. only for set up and take down, no driving on and off/around in between times) ensure scrupulous litter prevention/collection and cease noise by 1pm or midnight if not before.

This is a traditional event linked to a community event that has been coming for many years. Local residents enjoy it and is good for young people, unlike any of the events that want to use the Links, it does not last long, local peopler used to it, it does not generally attract young people from outside the area so no problems with traffic congestion, parking problems,ms etc.”


Leith Festival Funfair plan being considered by City of Edinburgh Council

City of Edinburgh Council are considering an application to for a funfair to be brought to Leith Links in 2020 as part of Leith Festival.

Leith Links Community Council will, as always, include a copy of our policy on events held on Leith Links.

Unfortunately, the Council provides a very short window to consider & respond to applications, with the Community Council response to be submitted by Friday 29 November 2019.

Leith Links Community Council would ask our community to submit their views, concerns and / or suggestions in relation to this current application to us by noon on Wednesday 27 November 2019, this will allow us to take them into account & include them in our formal response to the application. To submit your views, concerns and / or suggestions please use the form at the end of this post.

To keep up to date with progress of the application subscribe to our website as we will post updates as & when we receive them.

*Please note that we have published all the information that has been made available to us by City of Edinburgh Council.

*Please note that your responses will be sent to City of Edinburgh Council Parks & Greenspaces Service, and Councillors Adam McVey, Chas Booth & Gordon Munro, as well as being published on this website (with the exception of your post code & email address).


Web form removed at 21:30ish on 27 November 2019.


Jim & Annie Scanlon awarded The Elizabeth Wardlaw Leith Citizenship Award 2019 by Leith Festival

As part of this years Leith Festival Annie & Jim (Chairman of Leith Links Community Council) Scanlon were presented with The Elizabeth Wardlaw Leith Citizenship Award 2019 in recognition of their years of dedicated work benefiting our Leith community.

The award was presented by Mock Lord Provost Sandy Campbell on Sunday 16 June 2019 at the Leith Festival Tattoo.

Annie & Jim are the first ever joint winners of the award.


Click on the picture for more information.



Leith Festival AGM & Board Member Recruitment

Leith Festival is an important annual event, only made possible by the massive support of our local community and volunteers willing to invest their time.

Their next AGM is due to be held on Wednesday 1 May 2019, at 7pm, in Leith Dockers Club.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Click here to see their Facebook event.

They are currently seeking some new board members, including a Treasurer. So if you are looking for a new volunteering opportunity please do get in touch with them.


Click here to view Leith Festival contact details.




Leith Festival Volunteers required

Leith Festival are still looking to recruit 10-15 volunteers to help out at this years festival.
Do you enjoy meeting new people? Want to support your local community? Agree that Leith Festival is a great event?
Leith Festival are currently recruiting volunteers for this year’s Festival. We primarily need Stewards to help set up on Galaday morning, for the Pageant (dressing up optional!), and to help with clean-up on Galaday evening. If you are interested in supporting this fantastic community event, register to volunteer using the online form at the QR code or the link above.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Leith Festival Team!!
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