Leith Links Community Workshop – Parklife project

Later this year the ParkLife project (a collaboration between City of Edinburgh Council and University of Edinburgh) is coming to Leith Links!

Everyone who uses or has an interest in Leith Links is welcome to attend this community workshop to find out more about the project & what it means for Leith Links. This is also an opportunity to feed into the work of the project moving forward.

The workshop is being held on Monday 1 April 2019 from 6pm in Leith Community Centrefollow this link to book your seat.

The ParkLife project is looking at how new uses of data and technology can help us understand how people use and value parks. The aim is to support the city and park partners to work together to improve parks to benefit everyone. The project includes the installation of a wifi enabled model which park users can engage with, should they wish to do so.

The workshop will give you an opportunity to share and develop your ideas about ways Leith Links can be improved and how technology might be able to help. During the workshop we will design several ‘prototypes’ that could be built and installed in Leith Links. These can be anything from a digital notice board that provides information about park activities to a system for timing yourself running a mile.

You don’t need to have prior understanding of technology in order to be able to join. You just need to be a person who cares about parks! Your views are important and will directly contribute to the project. Parks are diverse spaces and we would like to hear from as many people as possible.


Leith Links Community Council meeting Monday 25th February

The next meeting of Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday, 25th February, in Leith Community Centre (Shore Room). Please remember the new start time is 6.30pm.

If you live in the Leith Links area, and have questions or concerns to discuss, we would be pleased to welcome you.

Please find Agenda and draft minutes of last meeting attached.

agenda  Agenda25.2.19 minutes Draft2LLCC Minutes Jan 2019


Leith Links Community Council meeting Monday 28th January

Happy New Year from LLCC

The next meeting of Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday, 28th January, in Leith Community Centre (Shore Room). Please remember the new start time is 6.30pm.

If you live in the Leith Links area, and have questions or concerns to discuss, we would be pleased to welcome you.

Please find Agenda and draft minutes of last meeting attached.

DraftAgenda 28.1.19,, LLCC Minutes Draft Nov 2018Jan21st-converted (1)



Leith Links Community Council meeting Monday 28th January

Happy New Year from LLCC

The next meeting of Leith Links Community Council will be on Monday, 28th January, in Leith Community Centre (Shore Room). Please remember the new start time is 6.30pm.

If you live in the Leith Links area, and have questions or concerns to discuss, we would be pleased to welcome you.

Minutes of our last meetng and the Agenda for 28th will be posted soon

Leith Neighbourhood Partnership meeting – 3 December 2018

The next meeting of Leith Neighbourhood Partnership will be held on Monday 3 December 2018 at 6pm in McDonald Road Library.

The meeting is open to members of the public and will include an update on £eith Chooses (which is currently open for applications).

The papers for the meeting can be downloaded here in three parts:

Leith Links Community Council is an active member of the partnership, this month we will be represented on the partnership board by Community Councillor John Tibbitt.



Following a series of racist incidents in our city over the last few months, Stand up to Racism Edinburgh is organising a “Leith Stands Up To Racism” march and rally on October 27 to say refugees and migrants are welcome here and no to racist attacks in our multicultural community.
The march and rally will be followed by a music event in Leith Dockers Club.
Please see attached flyer for more information.

URGENT Leith Community Education Centre – April 2018 Newsletter

Please, find attached this month’s Newsletter from the Leith Community Education Centre Management Committee with very important information. Please, make sure to circulate this Newsletter among your group members to make sure that everyone is aware of the changes to come.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Also, please note that there is a special meeting set up by the Management Committee on the 26th of April, Thursday 7:00pm in the café to discuss the possible changes to our community centre and how they will affect the groups.

The Chairperson and Treasurer of our Management Committee are stepping down in September this year and if we won’t find volunteer to take their place we might have to shut down the centre, as it cannot run without a Management Committee.

News Letter-April 2018


The three Leith Community Councils are teaming up with City of Edinburgh Council to create a pot of cash for the community in Leith, based on Scottish Government ‘Community Choices’funding.

Applications for £EITH CHOOSES will be invited very soon, and voting will be in March 2018. Many things will be similar to previous £eith Decides but there are a few exciting changes too.

The project Launch & first Funding Workshop will be held on 22nd November in Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate, at 6.00pm.

Come along and find out more!

Keep up to date via Facebook and Twitter, or download the press release.

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